2020, the year we all had plans quashed in the face of a global pandemic. Not the start of a novel but the story of all of our lives last year. I, like the rest of you, was encompassed in this madness. Locked down from seeing my friends, doing the things I love, travelling, not taking my children to school and of course booking after booking, wedding after wedding being postponed. The overwhelming nature of not knowing what the next couple of weeks/ months were going to hold for me was without doubt the hardest time in business I’ve suffered to date (accept that time when my hard drive actually set on fire, story for another day!).
The problem was that negativity and misery doesn’t come all that naturally to me so once I was over the initial shock of everything and realised that my couples weren’t cancelling, merely postponing, and I wasn’t going to loose my business I made the decision to make the year work for me somehow.

It started with some messages from previous clients about doorstep shoots they had seen happening and would I do it. I was really torn. Was it safe? Am I in my rights? Will it piss people off? Will anyone be interested? I spoke with my hubby and we together decided that you can always put it out there and see what the reaction is. The reaction it turned out was that of demand. I ended up doing these for almost a month. I kept my distance and made sure I adhered to the restrictions, more so than anyone in the supermarkets at the time thats for sure! It was the greatest project and I thank everyone who booked. It was such a surreal time but one I’m so glad I got to document. I think I might make a book of them one day to 🙂